Sunday, October 18, 2020


Ruth Hazleton and Judy McKinty are running a great children's folklore project at PANDEMIC PLAY.  The project asks kids, teens, parents, grandparents, carers or teachers to send in art, games, rhymes and the like, related to the COVID pandemic.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Why did some bushrangers become folk heroes and why were they feared by the forces of authority? We take a look at and a listen to some of the yarns, ballads and memories of the many bushrangers of the Lachlan region during the 1860s. Come all you wild colonial boys – and girls!

Featuring authentic audio from the Oral History and Folklore Collection at the National Library of Australia, including Pat Nicholson, Maurice (Morris) Styles, Edgar Penzig, Rod Butler, Sally Sloane and Gladys Scrivener.