We’ll be back in Canberra at the National this year with a couple of shows:
Does Your Chewing Gum Lose its Flavour?
Skiffle and other homemade music, Australian style.
With a cast of thousands (well, about ten or so), we investigate and play some of the rhythmic classics from various dodgy musical genres. We’ll need a lot of help, so come along and join in. Sunday April 21, Trocadero 3.30-4.30.
Pointed Parodies and Dreadful Ditties
Parodies, squibs and satires from childhood to politics and everything in between. (How did Wonder Woman lose her bosom? We reveal all).
We’ve collected archives of this stuff from around the country over the years and want to share some of it with you. Bring yours along as well, for an enjoyably subversive session of sharp-toothed humour. Monday April 22, Trocadero 12.30-1.30
Teri Young in concert and conversation with Rob Willis, Friday April 19, Trocadero 11.30-12.30.
And don’t forget the National Folklore Conference at the National Library just prior to the festival on April 18, also including Rob’s 25th (yes, that’s a quarter of a century) curated concert at the Library. This year it’s Tassie singer-songwriter Teri Young. And it’s all free! But you must register at cknow@iinet.net.au