Monday, April 8, 2024



From Australia in Pictures,

Here's an intriguingly rare snap of a British custom in Hobart during World War 1. It's Empire Day (24 May) and the Fire Brigade has adopted the English ‘hobby horse’ custom to collect donations, perhaps to a war fund or charity. Or, as was sometimes the case with the original traditions, to fund a trip to the pub. 


The blackened face of the man in the horse is a feature of some ‘guising’ customs, nowadays considered deeply offensive by many.


Sailors are helping out with collection boxes. Can't quite make out the name of the ship on the right-hand sailor's cap, could be HMAS Parramatta (1) which was in these waters at this period. 


Anyone know any more? Evidence of traditional British customs in Australia is sparse, given the numbers who migrated here, willingly or otherwise.