
Thursday, August 13, 2020


Our latest podcast is now available at

This time we’re having a listen to how people dealt with accidents and illness in the days before medical attention was easily available. Treating the everyday afflictions of colds, stings, hangovers – and piles – was often a ‘kill or cure’ experience. Definitely not to be tried at home!

1 comment:

  1. VERANDAH MUSIC Thanks folks

    Olive Oil I remember well but not with positive thoughts. Ours came in a purple/blue bottle.
    It tasted purple too.

    Blue Bag lived by the ‘copper’ a better class of blue. Used for stings.

    But the staple medical products my mother used came via an Indian Hawker. Rawleighs Ointments.
    Surprised to find them still on the market.
    The ointment in the orange tin was for wounds.
    ‘Good for Man or Beast’. Used on cow’s teats when needed.
    The white tin ointment contained camphor & menthol used for chest rubbings when a cold was coming on.
    According to the site where I found this image they are now priced at $99 for the combo. Seems a bit high.
    Not sure what it was in 1945.

    Phyl Lobl
